SQF certified BEAN-TO-BAR Chocolate Manufacturing Facility.

Whether you want to create a new product or modify a product in your existing product line, we can help.

If you are looking for a strategic partner to provide turn-key services, you’re in the right place. From R&D, to moulds and packaging…At Davis Chocolate we are equipped to serve all your development needs and will work side-by-side with you to find solutions that fit your product requirements.

Our Services

We are dedicated to food quality and take food safety certifications and compliance seriously.


At Davis Chocolate we adhere to the strictest food quality and safety standards, and have attained many food safety and quality certifications, including the SQF Food Safety Code for Manufacturing Certification, formerly known as Level 2.

These quality standards, together with an environmentally controlled facility and experienced team, guarantee that your products manufactured at Davis Chocolate adhere to the strictest quality assurance requirements.



Our team leads industry and nutritional trends, keeping in touch with consumer preferences.

Whether you use one of Davis’ signature recipes, need to adapt a current recipe, or have an idea for a new chocolate product, we can lead the research and development   from concept to final recipe development.

At Davis Chocolate we will strive to provide you with the best technical and customer service in support all of your development needs. Our team leads industry and nutritional trends, keeping in touch with consumer preferences; researching and testing new ingredients and sweetening options, so you don’t have to.

From developing and scaling recipes, testing new ingredients, concepting and prototyping, to tastings and recipe refinement, we are confident that our research, development and production capabilities will provide a solution to satisfy your product needs.


we can help YOU streamline YOUR PRODUCTION process

